Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cooked Vs Raw

As we all know cooking vegetables kills some of the nutrients and vitamins.

So you get more of them if you eat raw and juicing is a great way to get a good amount of these nutrients a vitamins.
When you see what a real green juice is, you wouldn't want to eat all of this green bounty in one serving!

In a basic Green Juice, you'll find:
apple, cucumber, celery, kale or spinach, carrots
in addition you can add:
any herbs (parsley. basil, mint... ), wheat-grass, other fruits and vegetables.

Juicing is not only better for getting minerals and nutrients but your body assimilate them way faster and it helps detox from the SAD* Diet!

if you need to have something to chew on, grab some zucchinis slices, baby carrots and such.

Green juice will also help you to loss weigh...

Don't think that green juice does taste bad! If you add some fruits like apple, grapes, watermelon... it will taste delicious and surprise you. Give it a try!

Some friends asked me if I am on a 100% raw food diet...
My answer is No!
Somewhere between 80 to 95% because there is some vegetables that I prefer lightly steam or cooked like:
Beets, green beans, asparagus, artichoke, potatoes, broccoli and other cabbages!
and I like variety in my diet!
Also I like to eat some times to times some brown and wild rice, quinoa and tofu.

*SAD = Standard American Diet

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